Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How's Your Flow?

Living Water has been on my heart. Jesus said in John 7:38, "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."

Recently I was sharing in my church's Sack Lunch Gathering (you can find the recording for January 15, 2015 posted on February 3, 2015 here.)

After talking a bit on different seasons or scenes from a rivers life, one lady came up afterward and said she grew up going to school at the top of Niagara Falls. She said all that we talked about was true, but another cool and overwhelming truth that overshadows all other lessons to glean from this "river scene" is the sound. She said the went through school with the sound of rushing water in the background and it overwhelmed everyone's lives, until they got used to it. I guess it is like jet noise in VA Beach.

Not to belabor, but John the Revelator said that the voice of Jesus sounded like the sound of rushing waters. Oh to have my life overwhelmed by His Word, His Voice, His Prayers, His Promises, Him.
When I think of the love that the Father has LAVISHED on me (1 John 3:1), scarce being able to take it in. One picture I get in stereo is Niagara Falls. I think I would like to visit there.

Revelation 7:17