Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Song?

I wrote a prayer song to God many years ago. I did not officially write it down, but it comes back to my mind from time to time. 

Precious Lord, You're my heart's desire,
Fill me with Your fire, burn inside of me.
Morning Star, light my path to You,
Lead me to Your throne, I need You alone.

1. Longing to be where You are
2. Dying my only choice
3. Living to know who you are
4. Waiting to hear your voice

I numbered the second stanza because, when I first wrote it my understanding of God put these words in numeric order (1,2,3,4), but after walking with God and saturating in His Word and Presence, I sing them in 1,4,3,2.
I understand, His sheep hear His voice, and the Good Shepherd never leaves us or forsakes us. 
I also understand it is in losing your life for Christ's sake, that you truly live.
(John 10:27, John 10:11, Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 10:39)
Thank you, o God for transforming my mind and my understanding, Your even gooder and better than this mind started out believing. You are faithful.