Friday, August 3, 2018

Social Justice versus Love

I wrote the following back in 2017, but it seems even more pertinent to post now...

Recently I have become keenly aware of the new reality of love that is attached to our culture. We, even in the church, scream tolerance and social justice so that people have the right to do as they please. I do believe in freedom and justice, but at what point does this necessity to support the rights of others become the absence of love or complacency for me?

If I care about social justice then I will only be concerned with you having full access to your rights. If you do then I am happy and that is my obligation to you. 
But if I care about you then how can I fall in line to fight for your right to do wrong or harm yourself or others? How can I not give warning or wave the lantern that says turn back, this is not good for you? 
Detrieck Bonhoffer said "to love the community (or what defines community) is to destroy community, but to love the people is to build community."

Loving people includes encouragement, edification, rebuke, and correction. Sure to speak truth you must lead with grace , but it is not love if at the right time you do not follow with truth. 
As one who lives under authority, may I ask a friend, not only what do you think of my actions?, but also how does this line up with God's truth, in your opinion. 
As a Christian, if a friend asks me what do you think if I _________?  May my response not only consider their rights, but also be in line with God's truth. This will either bless them or warn them. But either way. This is love. 

James 5:16,


What if the beauty of excellence is not found only in the product but in the process?