Wednesday, April 1, 2015

In The Know But Did Not Know

Read John 11. Notice the change in information that Jesus gave the disciples.

After Jesus said this, he told his disciples, “Our friend Lazarus is sleeping, and I’m going to Bethany to wake him.” His disciples said to him, “Lord, if he’s sleeping, he’ll get well.” Jesus meant that Lazarus was dead, but the disciples thought Jesus meant that Lazarus was only sleeping. Then Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus has died, but I’m glad that I wasn’t there so that you can grow in faith. Let’s go to Lazarus.” (John 11:11-15 GW)

1. "Our friend ... I'm going." Jesus wanted the revelation of who He is to lead them to the Truth, not the circumstances.

Lazarus was dead. Jesus said sleeping. Why He did this is not spelled out, but given Thomas' comment in verse 16...
Thomas, who was called Didymus, said to the rest of the disciples, “Let’s go so that we, too, can die with Jesus.” (John 11:16 GW)
One reason was probably to protect a doubter's faith, by putting the Truth of the situation in who Jesus is and not in the circumstances. Revelation would have come to Thomas along the way if Jesus had not had to speak plainly, the difference would have been that the revelation would have come through the eyes of faith that saw Jesus "wake the sleeper" before.

2. The disciples had always followed Jesus because of who He is, but now Jesus was inviting them to a deeper walk with Him. "Our friend, Lazarus" The invitation was to share in the compassion that was compelling Jesus to "go to Lazarus".

3. After telling them plainly, "Lazarus has died." Jesus still compelled their action to Lazarus. Not to a city, not to follow Him, but to someone in need, "Let's go to Lazarus." 

John challenges me.
Do I know the character and faithfulness of Jesus enough to be in the know even when I have limited information?
Do I have faith in Him in such a way that I know the One who called me is faithful?
Do I believe that God is good? (Thomas took all he was hearing from Jesus and believed Him, but one thing Thomas forgot in the equation of his conclusion...God is good, all the time.)

Psalm 73:26

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