Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Clearly, Christ’s love guides us. We are convinced of the fact that one man has died for all people. Therefore, all people have died. He died for all people so that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for the man who died and was brought back to life for them. (2 Corinthians 5:14-15 GW)

I memorized this verse standing beside my daddy on the banks of the Jordan River in Israel. The version I learned says " Christ's love compels us." I have not looked up the difference between guide and compel but in my heart it has a different feel to it. Both are right and of God, I believe. 
This is also the verse that my bible was opened to on the day I was ordained. 

My prayer today is that my life in character and in action would live up to and lean into this reality of purpose. Jesus gave His all to us. Can we not trust Him with our EVERYTHING?

Luke 1:38

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