Potential and Possibility.
After spending the first half of my life burning bridges, ruining potential and subtracting possibilities, my pivot point of changing my mind "repenting" about God and listening to who He is and then eventually to Him, I realize that each of my days lived in relationship with Him become a New Year's Day.
The high hopes, the limitless potential, the excited expectation, the sheer joy of a new beginning is intoxicating without all of the mind-numbing substances usually associated with that verb. And so, on this New Year's Day of 2016... I am intoxicated yes with all of the joy and expectation because I am totally and completely in love with my LORD God.
Last year in our relationship, we played, we had fun, we delighted in each other. Hard to explain, but I felt like a kid on the playground with her dad.
This morning, as our time unfolded, this relational potential of delight moved to glimpses of possibility.
So as we jump on this trampoline higher and higher and discuss the possibilities on His heart and mine.
My prayer for you is that delight will rise up in you and gush into every area of your life until the potential(the work He began in you) begins to take shape and both of you envision and appreciate the dreams and possibilities of life filled with Him in increasing and complete measure!
1 Corinthians 2:9,
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