Friday, August 3, 2018

Social Justice versus Love

I wrote the following back in 2017, but it seems even more pertinent to post now...

Recently I have become keenly aware of the new reality of love that is attached to our culture. We, even in the church, scream tolerance and social justice so that people have the right to do as they please. I do believe in freedom and justice, but at what point does this necessity to support the rights of others become the absence of love or complacency for me?

If I care about social justice then I will only be concerned with you having full access to your rights. If you do then I am happy and that is my obligation to you. 
But if I care about you then how can I fall in line to fight for your right to do wrong or harm yourself or others? How can I not give warning or wave the lantern that says turn back, this is not good for you? 
Detrieck Bonhoffer said "to love the community (or what defines community) is to destroy community, but to love the people is to build community."

Loving people includes encouragement, edification, rebuke, and correction. Sure to speak truth you must lead with grace , but it is not love if at the right time you do not follow with truth. 
As one who lives under authority, may I ask a friend, not only what do you think of my actions?, but also how does this line up with God's truth, in your opinion. 
As a Christian, if a friend asks me what do you think if I _________?  May my response not only consider their rights, but also be in line with God's truth. This will either bless them or warn them. But either way. This is love. 

James 5:16,


What if the beauty of excellence is not found only in the product but in the process?

Sunday, August 21, 2016


1 Chronicles 22:19
"Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God; arise, therefore, and build the sanctuary of the LORD God, so that you may bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy vessels of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the LORD."
Lord, I will set my heart, my will. Just like I set cruise control, or set my radio dial, a conscious decision with longevity in mind. But Lord prevent my heart from walking away from the wheel, or tuning out the radio. May I be about your business taking from you not only the instruction but the way in which I live. Seeking You, Your Way, Your Heart, Your Heartbeat. 
And your promise... if I seek You, if I set my heart on You, then You WILL BE FOUND by me. Thank You! You are truly 1. good 2. holy and 3. faithful 1. to me 2 in me and 3 through me
In Jesus Name. AMEN
Camelot, coheir with Christ

Friday, August 19, 2016

A little Friday morning Theology

Christian Theology...Take this in.
"When the first Adam was tempted, it wa self-interest. Created to have authority in the earth, when he looked up to God, he saw Himself as servant; when he looked down, he saw himself as its Lord.Satan therefore said, 'ye shall be as gods.' What he did not tell them, was that this authority was delegated power only. Losing the servantship, he therefore lost the lordship. Christ came to perfect this servantship, and therefore regain for man, the Lordship." Oh the patience and love of God!

There's more..."the form of a servant", He did not put on the acts of humility, they flowed from a nature. Too good had to share! In this world of masks, compartments, friend groups, and identity crisis, Jesus reveals Himself to those who seek Him in transparent and humble ways. What a friend I have in Jesus!

Philippians 2...good stuff. That combined with theologians of old like Wiley and Culbertson and even Reed - gooooood stuff.

Camelot - co heir with Christ

Monday, August 1, 2016


In our local church, our vision is...
We are All iN...
iN love with Jesus
iN relationship with others 
iN compassion to the world

In working out this mission in my life. I know that compassion means to "suffer with". The question my heart is asking in each situation I am encountering is who is my heart suffering with. While needs break my heart in different ways, as a Christian " I struggle with His energy that is at work inside of me" 
So maybe for me to bring this right side up God into this upside down world I have to realize that the compassion I have to the world must be rooted and grounded in Christ, suffering with Him. "Filling up in my body that which is lacking in the body of Christ" 
Suffering with Jesus for who He died for. 
As the hand and feet of Jesus, may my life be dedicated to working out in my flesh His suffering so that I may know Him, so that others may know Him. 

Lord, may I recognize and cherish the opportunities to suffer with You for souls. 


Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Prayer is more than petition, more than supplication, more than confession, more than conversation. 
In my time set apart for My GOD,
I must be a worshiper, not a whiner. 
Until my emphasis is off myself and my circumstances, have I even entered the Presence of God.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving, come into His courts with praise. 
Father, Almighty God, I give you the honor due your Name!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Love covers

Above all, love each other warmly, because love covers many sins. 1 Peter 4:8

This morning as Sam and I were putting out the trash and recycling, my neighbor, Jean, came around the corner with a wagon in tow. She started across our yard. I walked her way to see what she wanted. Nothing. She was giving this morning. 

We are new to the ways of the neighborhood trash pick up. The pile of tree limbs and brush that we put out two weeks ago(bad timing) was more pine needles and cherry bombs than limbs, which means they probably will not get the pile as they come by. More work in our future it seems. 

Here comes Jean, not asking for help, but giving evergreen limbs to cover up our mix of stuff in hopes that the truck will see the limbs and feel compelled to stop. She said as she as was walking back across the yard. Maybe these limbs will do the trick even for one scoop to save us from having to come out here and bag it all up. "Save us" she said. "Us". 

Thanks Neighbor for being Christ to me today!

"Hosanna, Glory to God in the Highest." 

All in,