Wednesday, September 3, 2014

God is so Faithful!

God is so faithful! God is so faithful! God is so faithful!

If you know this then just reading it resonates deep within, but if you have not known Him in His faithfulness before or lately, read the first line again and loud, because your circumstances do not negate this truth.

I just spent last weekend dropping my daughter off in Quincy, MA at college. Her classes are now underway and I am constantly pondering in my heart the weekend, the last year, and the last 18 years for that matter. And the conclusion of the matter is...
God is so faithful!

From the verse that has somehow made its way to may heart, viewing, hearing or even scripting every day for the last week. Phil 1:6
"I'm convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus."
To the anchors, which of course are full of meaning appearing everywhere even being the theme for my daughters dorm hall complete with her door doning a big blue anchor with Emily's name written across the top.

These are just glimpses of the peaking behind the veil that God is giving to me during another bittersweet transition this year. 

The only thing that I want for my daughter is what my dad wanted for me. To know (down to the depths of my being, shaking my head, overwhelmed with gratitude) that...

God is so faithful! God is so faithful! God is so faithful!

James 3:18, 

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