Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What You Can't See

Twice a year we have a Cruise In at our church where hundreds of classic, restored, beautiful cars are on display. Why? well I received a picture from my friend, Samantha because she caught what you can't see. If you were to have a panorama of her environment, you would see a thick crowd of people eating hotdogs and walking around the parking lot, which the kids raced tricycles around the circle. But nestled in the nook of the building behind a Chinese Maple tree was this little girl... what is she doing. It seems she found Him. 

The statue of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed by Himself before the crowds came and took Him away to be crucified. His disciples were asleep across the garden that day. He asked them after He finished praying, will you not pray with me for one hour? (Matthew 26)
Jesus was hidden from their sight that day, but last Friday night, He was seen by a little girl, in spite of the crowds. 

This is not the greatest sound quality, but a new song on Kim McLean's new album... makes me smile... A LOT!
James 3:18,

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