Monday, February 10, 2014

Hope and Grace

Our lifegroup met last night to begin a new study on Relationshipping. I know... not a word, but if any other word would have been used there would be stereotypes and preconceived ideas. While I would love to tell you all that we talked about - it was good - let's skip to the end.

Two questions were given
1. Whom don't you like?
2. Whom does Jesus excuse you from loving?

Obviously the answers are easy, but when asked together one answer or the other become sheepish. Amazing how quickly questions start you thinking. I had no problem listing a few EGR's in my life. EGR- Extra Grace Required. I also know there are plenty of people who consider me an EGR.

 The main thought I kept thinking is how to do we maintain this love relationshipping attitude toward all others as Jesus commands. 1 Peter 4:8 passes along the command repeated everywhere in the New Testament, "Above all, love each other deeply"

Hope, Grace, and Peace are all I have. 

Hope - filled with the knowledge that God is as work through me and sometimes in spite of me.

Grace - that knows I know nothing and my perspective is dim, so I trust in my Omniscient Father to meet all needs or expectations I have

Peace - Freedom from expectation and excuses, but guided by God, by Love.

James 3:18,

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