Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Crystal Clear

Blessed are those whose thoughts are pure.
    They will see God. Matthew 5:8

We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. Hebrews 12:2

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If I notice haze or fog creeping in on my gaze of Jesus, one question is "How's my heart?"

Examine me, O God, and know my mind.
    Test me, and know my thoughts.
24 See whether I am on an evil path.
    Then lead me on the everlasting path. Psalm 139:23-24

Give me wisdom and discernment to 
"take every thought captive so that it is obedient to Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:5

James 3:18

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Shine Your Light!

So God set another day. That day is today. Many years after ⌊your ancestors failed to enter that place of rest⌋ God spoke about it through David in the passage already quoted: “If you hear God speak today, don’t be stubborn.”

God’s word is living and active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts as deep as the place where soul and spirit meet, the place where joints and marrow meet. God’s word judges a person’s thoughts and intentions. No creature can hide from God. Everything is uncovered and exposed for him to see. We must answer to him. (Hebrews 4:7, 12-13 GW)

I remember in church in 1995, the Pastor Carlton Duck (Duckman) was trying to make a point. He asked the congregation to raise their hand if you accepted Jesus as your Savior the first time you heard about Him. I misunderstood him and raised my hand...

I attended Christ Church Episcopal School in Greenville, SC, so I had heard about Jesus most of my life, but at the age of 20 sitting in Thomas Road Baptist Church, I finally had ears...I heard and understood for the first time. The Word of God became personal. Like Hebrews talked about, "I heard God speak"

The lights came on and God began to speak to me about other things. My language, my habits, my attitude, my money, my active participation in His Body.

When the lights are on God speaks and shows me new glorious paths to walk and run. The adventure is real, hard at times, but real. But when I start to rely on my memory of what God has shown me...(you know like walking through your house in the dark, you can do it because you remember where things are for the most part with the occasional toe jam), when that happens, the adventure subsides and the fear creeps in.

Jesus, shine the Light of Your Word on me, into every nook and cranny, let nothing and no one be off limits to you. sanctify me, set me apart for Your work. All that I am is Yours, as it should be. Thanks for the rest this truth imparts to me. Amen.

(P.S. I saw how yesterday I set out to talk about Your Spirit, I looked back today and realized that You, Jesus, were glorified in spite of my initial intentions. Lord, you make me smile.)

James 3:18

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Right, Wrong, Wise, Foolish

Since the groom was late, all the bridesmaids became drowsy and fell asleep...

Then all the bridesmaids woke up and got their lamps ready...

“So stay awake, because you don’t know the day or the hour. (Matthew 25:5, 7, 13 GW)

These are excerpts from the parable of the ten bridesmaid. The thing I noticed is if the moral of the story is to not fall asleep (verse 13), then how come five were wise, they fell asleep too.

Obviously the extra oil made all the difference. Maybe someone older told them, "You better bring some extra along."

In our spiritual journey, there are certain practices that can become routine and drudgery at times, but many times it is those very things that prepare us for the road ahead. The picture I get is from the first Karate Kid movie... Sanding the floor, painting the fence, waxing on and off...these practices built him into a body who when the time was right, he was ready.

In the Christian walk, virtues, faith practices,  a Way of Life...whatever you want to call them are a means of grace to others and to ourselves as we "go through the motions",

James 3:18,

Monday, August 18, 2014

See, Hear, Understand

 I am always super sensitive about drawing attention to the Holy Spirit because I know that He only wants glory given to Jesus. In my devotions this morning though I noticed a quote from the Holy Spirit. This is different from most quotes from the Spirit in that it is from Him and not a repeat of what the Father or the Son would say.

The Holy Spirit always points to Jesus, He is our Teacher and Counselor, you can hear that tone here. The Spirit really wants us to get it...

Hebrews 3:7-11

That is why the Holy Spirit says,
“Today when you hear his voice,
    don’t harden your hearts
as Israel did when they rebelled,
    when they tested me in the wilderness.
There your ancestors tested and tried my patience,
    even though they saw my miracles for forty years.
10 So I was angry with them, and I said,
‘Their hearts always turn away from me.
    They refuse to do what I tell them.’
11 So in my anger I took an oath:
    ‘They will never enter my place of rest.’”

God tests us, but if we constantly fail His tests then it reads here that we test Him or at least we did before Christ. 
In the journey of Life, it seems that sometimes we do not even have eyes to see or ears to hear, God forbid, but then sometimes we do, but we do not have hearts to understand.

Many years Almighty God did wonders for the eyes to see and for thousands of years, the Spirit of God spoke in various ways, through prophets and winds and fire. 

NOW, we have the immeasurable privilege of our journey in light of the cross. In light of the Jesus Christ who opens the eyes of the blind, and heals cut off ears. He even replaces our heart of stone for a heart of flesh removing the shame and sadness of life and replacing it with joy and peace and hope and love.

REJECT HIM? how could we, why would we?

For believers, our hearts can still be hard or there anything you withhold from the trustworthy HANDS of JESUS?

For doubters, given the claims that Jesus made and the testimony of His followers, do you not think it very unwise and close-minded of you to ignore His claims, whether you ignore the subject all together, or just ignore hearing from Him? Why not listen? if your right then you've lost a little time, if your wrong, you're lost and there is still time.

Jesus loves you, yes, He does. Don't shrink back from Him, there is nothing to fear.

James 3:18,

Monday, August 11, 2014


Everywhere I go that I want to remember I've been I usually pick up a rock or she'll or something to represent the time, place, or person. 

In Israel I picked up shells along the Galilee...
My first women's retreat I picked up a good size pink rock...
Along the path my papa nub and I used to walk, my aunt Pat and I hauled a huge rock with a wheelbarrow back to the house and put under the big oak tree.

The memory is recalled with a piece of something that seems inconspicuous and meaningless, but becomes special. 

My stepmom, Peggy, and I cried today over a bag of rocks and clipped toenails. The rocks my dad picked up in the holy land that now reside in the chest in her room. The toenails I clipped withe last bit of red on them from when I got a pedicure last December before My trip to Disney, the last time I would see my dad alive. 

While the rocks and shells are special, no I did not keep the toenails, I think the most special things in life are not where you take a piece of it with you, but when you leave a piece of you behind. 

I have crosses and shirts and stickers and fish that remind me of Jesus. 

He gave love and peace and healing and comfort, when He ascended He sent His Spirit back to us as a deposit. 

The only good I have to leave in me is Jesus. 

May you strengthen me and embolden me to strengthen my brothers and sisters.

But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith will not fail. So when you recover, strengthen the other disciples.” (Luke 22:32 GW)

James 3:18

Monday, August 4, 2014

Hope is Shining Bright

Saturday I went to the Smithsonian. I saw hope. The Hope Diamond to be more specific...

This picture is a poor picture. It's brilliance was beautiful and blue. It's history was interesting. It was admired and photographed. It is a rock.

It was hope for me because it reminded me of my HOPE!
Now I see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, eventually I will see face to face. (1 Corinthians 13)
My Jesus, He's beautiful! He's brilliant! He is My Rock, My Stabilizer, my Salvation, my Anchor!

Father, adorn my neck, my life with the Aroma of Christ.

James 3;18,