Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Right, Wrong, Wise, Foolish

Since the groom was late, all the bridesmaids became drowsy and fell asleep...

Then all the bridesmaids woke up and got their lamps ready...

“So stay awake, because you don’t know the day or the hour. (Matthew 25:5, 7, 13 GW)

These are excerpts from the parable of the ten bridesmaid. The thing I noticed is if the moral of the story is to not fall asleep (verse 13), then how come five were wise, they fell asleep too.

Obviously the extra oil made all the difference. Maybe someone older told them, "You better bring some extra along."

In our spiritual journey, there are certain practices that can become routine and drudgery at times, but many times it is those very things that prepare us for the road ahead. The picture I get is from the first Karate Kid movie... Sanding the floor, painting the fence, waxing on and off...these practices built him into a body who when the time was right, he was ready.

In the Christian walk, virtues, faith practices,  a Way of Life...whatever you want to call them are a means of grace to others and to ourselves as we "go through the motions",

James 3:18,

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