Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Today is Ash Wednesday. Over the last few months, I have been reevaluating what I believe about fasting. It seems others are doing the same from some of the questions I have been asked. The main question asked boils down to "Why do we fast?"

Before I have been under the impression that we must replace the fast with prayer or worship or something that would make it more than skipping out on a meal or missing out on something important to me. While that is part of it, it is more the symptom than the reason.

During what others have called a dark night of the soul, I realize that fasting is what I must do. It seems that food and other things that would occupy my time simply do not provide the strength needed to breath, or talk, or get through the day. Those things even food become a simple substitution that I do not have time for while relying on the strength that my God alone gives freely to us His beloved children.

So this year, I will not fast, but rely with all that my soul can relinquish. Simply because HE is more faithful than food, His cup does not run dry, He sustains all things, even me.

A few scriptures are running together in my mind like this...Humble yourself under the Mighty Hand of God, for in due time you will reap a harvest if you faint not.(1Peter 5:6, Galatians 6:9)

James 3:18,

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