Monday, March 17, 2014


“Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or gather the harvest into barns. Yet, your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they? “Can any of you add a single hour to your life by worrying? 

And why worry about clothes? Notice how the flowers grow in the field. They never work or spin yarn for clothes. But I say that not even Solomon in all his majesty was dressed like one of these flowers. 

That’s the way God clothes the grass in the field. Today it’s alive, and tomorrow it’s thrown into an incinerator. So how much more will he clothe you people who have so little faith? (Matthew 6:26-30 GW)

I was reading this morning and the line that stuck out was what the birds don't do. We are given the immeasurable privilege of participating in the harvest. Seek God first, pray to The Lord of the harvest, pray for the harvest, participate in planting and harvesting and gathering and let God handle the rest. Souls. It is about saving souls.

James 3:18 for sure "A harvest that has God’s approval comes from the peace planted by peacemakers." (James 3:18 GW)

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