Monday, April 28, 2014

Grounded by Faith

These flowers all have their own stem that lifts them up from the ground and gives them life-giving water. 

Another life that received life giving water was the Samaritan woman in John 4. But more than one life was born that day. The Samaritan people from her village testified for themselves.

They told the woman, “Our faith is no longer based on what you’ve said. We have heard Him ourselves, and we know that he really is the Savior of the world.” (John 4:42 GW)

Everyone must have their own faith. God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish. In the waiting, we pray for those we love, for those trapped by sin, for our city, our region, our world. Join Jesus in His intercession for the harvest. 

Clearly, Christ’s love guides us. We are convinced of the fact that one man has died for all people. Therefore, all people have died.

God has done all this. He has restored our relationship with him through Christ, and has given us this ministry of restoring relationships. (2 Corinthians 5:14, 18 GW)

James 3:18...
A harvest that has God’s approval comes from the peace planted by peacemakers. (James 3:18 GW)

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