Monday, November 25, 2013

Give me Your Eyes.

I am so grateful to the myriad of testimonies that others can give and I can remember from my own life about how God has changed my perspective so that I can see from a "closer to reality" viewpoint.

Yesterday after church my husband, Sam, and daughter, Emily, were both trying to find me because we wanted to do our Operation Christmas Child box and maybe even a local present for a child here. While they ran out of the local children ornaments, we were excited to go and fill two boxes for OCC. If you have participated before, you know the joy of picking out the items and filling the box.

This year following the mission trip that Emily and Sam went on this summer, things were different. Even though I had did not go with them, it was like as soon as we decided to fill a box for a 5-9 year old boy and one for a 5-9 year old girl, their minds immediately went into gear. They were transported back to their trip. At one point  I was holding up an small pet toy for the girl and Sam immediately grabbed the princess nail polish and said it would be better. I was floored, but then I remembered how they all sat with the orphans last summer and the girls spent hours painting each others nails and showing them off.

Amazing what a one week trip will do, and I am sure that I have not seen the half of it, yet.
 "I thank my God for all the memories I have of you. Every time I pray for all of you, I do it with joy. I can do this because of the partnership we’ve had with you in the Good News from the first day you believed until now. I’m convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:3-6
Mother Teresa said, "The reason we have no peace is we have forgotten we belong to each other."
We truly do need each other.

Lord, Increase our Peace, Increase our Vision, Increase our Intimacy with You. Amen.

James 4:14,

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