Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Project Galilee

This Thursday, I am participating in Project Galilee, a time of rest and revelation with other pastors and leaders, a time to make extra room for the Presence of Jesus in our lives.

We are gathering off the coast of North Carolina, not the Sea of Galilee, but the call is the same as the angel's message in Mark 16:7
"But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’"
Pastor Kerry Willis is leading this conversation as we all seek to intentionally look on the horizon of our lives and increase our peace, joy, hope and grace by gazing into His face together.

Here was the view from my window the last time I woke up at the Sea of Galilee a few years back.

Spiritually speaking, I am looking forward to the Light on the Horizon of this week as we entire a time of intentional Holy Spiritual Community. Anyone interested in spending a few sunrises and sunsets with us receive the invitation...


James 4:14,

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