Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hunger Games

Last night my daughter and I went to see the second edition of Hunger Games on the big screen. While the ending was a cliffhanger as you would expect from any second movie in a trilogy, the conversation on the way home gave me more anticipation than the waiting for the third movie to debut.

We were talking about why the girl who was in the games made the decisions that she made. The fact that throughout the "game" she was being watched, just like in the first movie. There was a scene where she was hiding on a tree limb and realized that the sound she heard as the zooming in and out of a camera lens in a knot on the tree. With this realization there were key decisions that she made in order to make it through the game alive.

If we know that someone is watching us, we may choose to do things differently. Not necessarily wrong or right, but just differently. When my husband who is quick to through things away is watching, I may choose to throw a wrapper away before I sit down to eat rather than throw it away when I get to cleaning up the dishes. So when I think about living my life before an audience of One, it is not judgement that I think about because I know that the Holy Spirit will let me know if there is anything between us, but more along the lines of respect and love. There are things that I think of doing just because I have His perspective in mind as I walk through my day.

Lord, may the "movie of my life" be acceptable and bring You Glory! Psalm 19:14 And as soon as I pray and write this, He brings to my heart the reality that we are in the "movie" together and it is the truest of Love Stories.

James 4:14,

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