Thursday, September 19, 2013

Controlled Burn

Our local church women's retreat is coming up in a few weeks. My prayer for me and all of the others who will be joining us is echoed in this song...

I Will Never Be the Same Again - Hillsong

Part of the chorus is 
"Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff"

1 Corinthians 3:12-15
People may build on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw. The day will make what each one does clearly visible because fire will reveal it. That fire will determine what kind of work each person has done. If what a person has built survives, he will receive a reward. If his work is burned up, he will suffer the loss."

 A retreat and other gatherings like it are like a controlled burn. A controlled burn or "swailing" is a tool used by foresters to reduce the fuel buildup(wood, hay, and stubble) and prevent more serious, all-consuming fires.

I want my life to not only be built on You as my firm foundation, but also to be built up with the kind of life that is pleasing to you. My eyes get blurry, even though I think I can see, and I depend on you to give me eyes to see. Thank you for times of refreshing like retreats, but more than that for times where I can intentionally give You time to search me and see what is built up in my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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