Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Layin' Awake Grateful

Last night I was layin' awake late. Not worrying or thinking about details and things that would normally keep someone up...

I was layin' awake grateful. Thinking of people, situations, and blessings that have impacted my life.

When I was in 2nd Grade, my teacher, Ms. Riley, noticed that I could not read or do math. This was my first year at Christ Church Episcopal School and most people thought I would have to struggle for years to catch up or repeat a grade. Not Ms. Riley, she tutored me every morning beginning at 5am. She taught me "Chizzembop", the best way to learn math ever. By the end of that school year, she had me working at the same level as my classmates. Because of her and many others, my life's trajectory changed.

Truly, through the grace of God, I blessed before I knew how to say thank you.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

James 4:14

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