Saturday, October 26, 2013

Awkward and Awesome

Today I am participating in a marraige ceremony that will blend two families together. Part of the vows that the children will respond to say that this blending will be both awkward and awesome.

Yesterday I was contemplating those words while driving Port Republic Road. It was Friday at 5:30 pm. Right in the middle of rush hour traffic a lone squirrel crossed the four lane busy road unscathed. The only words I had were awesome and awkward, in that order. 

Life, especially the connection of lives, grow together in times that we either have a knee jerk response of, "That was awesome!" Or "That was awkward." But in looking back most of those times are BOTH, considering the love and life that grows between us. 

Jesus said that He came so we will have life and so we will have everything we need, or abundant life I some versions. ( John 10:10)

These random thoughts mentioned string together in my mind today. Thank you Jesus for all of the moments that add up to my life so far. No matter my response at the time, I am in awe and grateful.

James 4:14,

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