Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Needier or Curious-er?

Luke 8:7 "Herod said,'I cut off John's head, so who is this man I hear such things about.' And Herod kept trying to see Jesus."

In action Herod was trying to fix his eyes on Jesus, it was out of curiosity, not need.  With curiosity, we can be pretty specific what we want to see or hear or experience, but when it comes to need, it is hard to pinpoint it. 

It is better with need to know Someone who can fulfill your need. I do not know how or what Jesus does when I need, but I know He Is and when He Is in my viewpoint, my focus, my perspective, the need is satisfied. This is the intimacy that He promises, if we will look to Him alone.

Fix your eyes on Jesus...Hebrews 12:2

He will meet all your needs...Philippians 4:19

My grace is sufficient... 2 Corinthians 12:9

James 4:14

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