Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Is God Standing?

In Isaiah, the Lord said He will stand up...
10 The Lord says, “Now, I will stand up
    and show my greatness.
    Now, I will become important to the people.
11 You people do useless things
    that are like hay and straw.
    A destructive wind will burn you like fire.
12 People will be burned until their bones become like lime;
    they will burn quickly like dry thornbushes.” Isaiah 33:10-12 

There have been times in my life where things are pulling me left and right. I have so much to do, my family has so much to do (which means I have more to do), those I love have so much to do (which means I have more to do). :) Hopefully you get my drift.

My heart question to those that I love, those closest to me is "How can I help?" Usually I do not like the answer: do my laundry, help me with my paper, organize the papers on the coffee table, etc. But I want them to have room in their lives. Room for what? Room to ask the one question that I desire to be the primary question of my life, "Lord, are You the most important thing in my life, so important that You are my life?"

In Isaiah, His people had filled their lives and the lives of their family with things that were useless. I do not think it is the "thing" that is useless per se, but the motive behind and the goal of the activity that renders it useless. Yet the Lord who knows our hearts says that HE will stand up and become important to us.

Lord, may you increase in my life and the lives of those that I love. May the meditations of our heart and the words of our mouths be acceptable to You. As Colossians 1 says, May we live "the kind of life that honors and pleases You in every way. May we produce fruit in every good work and grow in the knowledge of God. God, strengthen us with Your own great power so that we will not give up when troubles come, but we will be patient."  In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

 James 4:14,

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