Tuesday, October 1, 2013

God is Able, God is Faithful

Lifted up
He defeated the grave
Raised to life
Our God is able
In His name
We overcome
For the Lord
Our God is able

              ---"God is Able" by Hillsong

God is Great, God is Good is from a prayer I was taught as a child. Two amazing truths that when put together have a power and holy, personal promise of the Character of God in our lives... He is Able, He is Faithful. I can not imagine being told that and it not bringing me right into the throne room of God, or better yet bringing the awareness of His Presence into my reality.  The realizing of His Presence or His Power has everything to do with my vision and perspective.

I thank You that you are who You are, Able and Faithful. I thank You for answer to prayer. I thank you for all of those in my life that remind me and encourage me to keep my eyes on Jesus. For my church family, who with prayers and messages of encouragement surround me with hope. For my family and friends, who not only put up with me, but support me - Your mercies, O God, are truly new every morning and with every greeting of one of Your saints. Thank You, Thank You, I am so grateful. Amen.

James 4:14,

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